Produced by Robert Turner, Richard Franklin, Fran Haidl, Chris Gilboy, and John Clague
Graphics and design by Richard Franklin
Central image map created by Kaz Shimamura using Canadian Digital Elevation Data from Geomatics Canada
Saskatchewan Industry and Resources: Chris Gilboy, Fran Haidl, and Andrew Nimegeers
Geological Survey of Canada, Natural Resources Canada: Robert Turner, John Clague, Kaz Shimamura, and Natalie Morisset
University of Regina: Janis Dale
Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration: Ophelia Dagenais, Barry Jones, Wade Nyirfa, and Malcolm Black
Saskatchewan Watershed Authority: Nolan Shaheen
Royal Saskatchewan Museum: Harold Bryant
GE Ground Engineering: Paul Kozicki and Tim Adelman
Others: Phillip Currie, Richard Franklin, Brian Eckel, and Gordon Domm
Reviewers We thank the many scientists, teachers, and others who reviewed this poster at various phases of its development.
Contributors to an early draft of Geoscape Southern Saskatchewan
Saskatchewan Industry and Resources: Kim Kreis and Lynn Kelley
Geological Survey of Canada, Natural Resources Canada: Don Lemmen, Laverne Stasiuk, Bill McDougall, and Harvey Thorleifson
Prairie Adaptation Research Collaborative: Dave Sauchyn
Want to know more?
Geological Highway Map of Saskatchewan Illustrated with 60 photographs and figures of roadside geological features. Available through: Saskatchewan Geological Society Box 234 Regina, Saskatchewan S4P 2Z6 or Tourism Saskatchewan
Geological History of Saskatchewan by John Storer A richly illustrated review of Saskatchewan's landscapes through geological time. 90 pages. Available through Royal Saskatchewan Museum.